what is a unicorn

unicorns have been described in many different ways, some are like horses with horns, some are like goats, or even rhinos!!! but they all have one thing in common, they have one long magical horn on their forehead.

you wold be suprised at how much evidence of unicorns there is, unicorns have been with us since we have been on this earth, there are paintings of unicorns on the walls of caves where we once lived thousands of years ago.


The Lion and the Unicorn were fighting for the Crown:
The Lion chased the Unicorn all around the town.
Some gave them white bread and some gave them brown,
And some gave them plum cake and drummed them out of town.


there are 3 types of unicorn

the arabian, or karkadann, a large agressive unicorn thought to be extinct.

the eastern or oriental unicorn, a shy and unusual creature, with unusual colouring.

and the european unicorn, the kind of unicorn best known, and althogh it is the 'european' unicorn it has been seen all around the world.

the unicorn is the symbol of beauty, perfection, love and courage, it can only be seen by those that are pure at heart and selfless. the unicorn was said to be the first creature that was named by adam, and so god placed it before the other creatures, it also was the only animal that was selfless enough to go with adam and eve when they were sent from the garden of eden.

      Unicorns love their privacy.  They are very wise and like be left alone to live with nature and practice magic. Unicorns are pure and hate being around things that aren't. They hide from anything that is evil or greedy.  They distrust humans, we have killed unicorns for their horns.