unicorn protection

unicorn protection

unicorns will continue to haunt our dreams, and the dreams of our children, if we let such beauty disappear from our world. many people deny that unicorns exist, because no bones or fossils have been found, one theory is that the horn disentergrates over time, so the bones have been discarded as that of a horse or donkey.



if unicorns are to provide a lesson in human terms, we just need to look at the fate of the karkadann, this unicorn was so preoccupied with fighting and domanance over other creatures, it has now forever returned to the desert sands, where it came.

the bones of the last karkadann lie buried under the sand, in mute testimony to the futility of seeking absolute power.

 should the last of the gentle unicorns also perish?


dragon and unicorn lovers may want to join SPODARC, the society (for) protection of dragons and other related creatures, but unfortunatly it is under CIA investigation, so it's address cannot be revealed right now

unicorns are needed on this earth, if they go then humans will hold no hope for suvival, unicorns play a major part in our eco system



how to (hopefully) see a unicorn



 do not wear items made from leather or dead animals

do not carry any nets or weapons.

do not carry any meat or fish.

stay quiet, dont sing or whistle or anything.

walk slowly, but dont sneak around like you're up to no good.

do not use perfume, hair spray, insect repellent, flavoured toothpaste or be smelling of tobbaco or alcahol

camouflage does not work

never take rubbings of bark scratchings or plaster casts of hoofprints

once in unicorn territory do not be accompanied by a pony, horse, donkey, ect

and, most of all, believe.



how to hopefully see a unicorn is from Robert Vavras book, Unicorns I Have Known



              when people went hunting a unicorn they usually had no intention to catch it, it was a chase syombolising the purity and perfection of the unicorn, and the same way as the unicorn could not be caught, humans could never be as pure as the unicorn.

it is said that people would place a maiden in the forest, the unicorn wold be drawen to the purity of the maiden, and then the unicorn could be ambushed, but the maiden couldn't be pure if she wold agree to such a thing, also the unicorn would sense the trap. anyone who has ever killed a unicorn has died suddenly and mysteriously.