unicorn magic

unicorn magic


a unicorns horn has the power to heal, one touch can pull someone away from death, unfortunatly this has lead people to hunt them, alicorns (unicorns horn) are among the most powerful of magic items, they were prized by kings and dukes because they warded away disease  and evil, the horn would sweat when dipped into poisoned food, they were so valuable they were worth 10 times their weght in gold. of course there was loads of fake horns around, unicorns were hunted for their horn during the middle ages, most of us today would agree the horn shold stay where it belongs, on a unicorns head!!



alicorns have been described differently, some are gold or silver, some have a white base, a red middle and a black tip, horns seem to come in all colors and shapes, althogh most are long and straight.


unicorn time

unicorn time is different from ours, it is split into 4 ages, gold, silver, bronze and lead, we live in the age of lead, you can find more on this at



some people say that unicorns use the magic in their horns to vanish for some time, before reappearing a while later, they cannot do this until they are fully growen though.