my homepage!!!

the mystical moon

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 welcome to the mystical moon 
A silver unicorn with a black horn greets you: 'Welcome to the mystical moon , I'm zezima, the leader of unicorns. 
Feel free too look around..........


hi!! i'm vicky, and i'm obsessed with unicorns and all creatures like them, this site should have information on then, and maybe even how to see one!!!!  

i Belive That Unicorns Are REAL, i have done since i can remember, a lot of people have made fun of me, but now i'm on the internet, i have met others like me and i no longer care what society thinks of me scince i do not wish to be part of it, society will tear at your dreams and kill your imagination, who wants to be part of that.


                 if you want to email me my address is:

the last unicorn

When the last eagle flies,
Over the last, crumbling mountain;
And the last lion roars,
At the last, dusty fountain;

In the shadow of the forest,
Though she may be old and worn;
They will stare, unbelieving,
At the Last Unicorn...

When the first breath of Winter,
Through the flowers is icing;
And you look to the North,
And a pale moon is rising;

And it seems like all is dying,
And would leave the world to morn;

In the distance,
Hear the laughter,
Of the Last Unicorn...

I'm Alive!!! I'm Alive!!!

When the last moon is cast,
Over the last star of morning;
And the future has passed,
Without even a last desperate warning;

Then look into the sky where through,
The clouds, a path is formed;

Look and see her,
How she sparkles,
It's the Last Unicorn...

I'm Alive!!! I'm Alive!!!

                                                    Help spread the message of peace -- take me with you!          

Please help send a message of peace around the world!

The dove of peace flies from site to site,
through as many countries as possible.
It does not belong to ANY belief system.
Please help make a line around the globe
by taking it with you to your site,
by giving it to someone for their site,
by passing it on to another continent
or to the conflict areas of the world


these pages are watched over by Cassia - Guardian Of Peace And Universal Harmony
Adopted From Amanda's Castle                    


A new live action movie is being made of Peter Beagle's book. Here's the link:

The Last Unicorn Movie Web Site

This is a temporary website in development and, according to the producers:  "We cannot show on this web site most of our work in progress before the completion of the film."  Of course.....much of the work is still a big secret!!

spread the word!

I'm A Supporter!
Fellowship Of The Earth
 An organization which promotes awareness of Earth Spiritual
beliefs through fellowship, celebration, and community service

Unicorn Friends

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This is starlight from The Unicorn Freindship Center. adopt one of your own, click  Birth Certificate.

and canada



Celebrating the mystery, magic and wonder of unicorns! Extensive art gallery of unicorn pictures; unicorn legends; unicorn poetry; quotations about unicorns throughout history; exploring the unicorn's ties to Christianity; general information about unicorns.

where the pictures on this website come from! also very nice site

unicorn centeral! what more to say!

nothing on my site is intetionally breaching any coypyright laws, if anything is please e-mali me. this site is non-profit

pictures are copyright to Matthew Webber